Temptations can be inspirations.  “How?” you ask.  Well, it can be motivation for us rather than roadblocks or obstacles and can keep us moving forward so we don’t lose momentum on our fitness journeys.  Ponder these points…

Take sleeping in or hitting your snooze button on your alarm clock, for instance.  We can go to bed earlier instead.  Our bodies need to renew and rejuvenate so we need to acquire the ideal 7 -9 hours of sleep.  We won’t want to reach our goals if we are tired, right?

How about stopping at a take-out place or going to a drive-thru?  We should make SMART choices.  Why not be creative and find healthful options when we’re in a hurry?  Plan ahead and make a meal with veggies, fruit, whole grains, lean cuts of meat and small portions.

Temptations can be inspirations

Do you graze on junk food all nite long?  Figure out why you do that.  Are you really hungry or is it thirst?  Drink water and wait 20 minutes.  If your hunger subsides, you weren’t hungry.  What was for dinner?  Just a green salad or veggies?  You need variety and balance – protein keeps you fuller longer AND it takes longer to digest (more calorie burn). Are you stressed?  Are you eating your feelings?  (emotional eating)  Take a long deep breath, go for a walk, get out of the kitchen.  KNOW your weaknesses when it comes to food and confront the cravings instead of surrendering to them.

Do you find yourself vegging on the couch?  Take/make time for yourself – anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours.  Put yourself first – do something productive like work on a puzzle, read a book, watch a movie, chat with someone, crochet, cuddle, paint your nails, ask for a foot rub.

Think about skipping your workout?  How about change it up instead for variety or something new?  Try a new walking or jogging route, a different dvd from the library or a friend, do another core workout, trade gym machines up, take Zumba, Pilates or Spinning classes.

I bet you can think of more temptations.  How about the inspirations from them?  Yep, temptations don’t have to be a bad thing if you can turn them around – then  you won’t have to say “I can’t lose weight“.

Good luck!  🙂


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One Response to “Temptations Can Be Inspirations”

  1. Johan Van Aarde January 19, 2012 at 5:17 pm #

    I so agree that we often don’t get enough sleep and it is a critical part of making good decisions and improving in your fitness journey to be rested. Every day I command my day and speak positive things into my day, even my workouts and eating choices. Very nice looking blog Wanda!!!

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