Recently my daughter who made me an empty nester, came home for a visit. We always talk “nutrition” and about our at home workouts becos she knows my passion for it. She was excited becos she had met a weight loss, and more importantly, an inches lost goal. She told me how she had done it using this app for help. She’s been using it for a few years now to count calories. I knew she was using one but never showed interest as I’ve never wanted to count the calories I was ingesting – I thought it was too time consuming and would take too much work/hassle. She showed me how easy it was to use so I downloaded it to my iPod Touch and I’ve been having a good, albeit interesting time using it. It’s a challenge to stay within my calorie budget but I’m slowly (very slowly) getting used to it. I mistakenly thought I was eating way less than I actually was. Isn’t that a big surprise? haha I think it’s very helpful and altho I won’t be recommending it 100% as yet – I want to see really how useful it is for me – I can say it’s already helped by showing me how incorrect my thinking about some things were.
If you want to check it out, it’s called Lose It and you can get it for free from iTunes.
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I will check out the app. Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Good luck if you get it and use it. I’m still liking it 🙂