Not much has happened in the week that just flew by again. So this quickie Thankful Thursday post will be just that….a quickie fly by. lol
1. As you may or may not recall, I work every other weekend at the Welcome Center and with other things going on, I haven’t gotten to Mass the last few weeks. I finally did on Sunday and then out to our usual breakfast at the local cafe afterwards with some family. It felt good.
2. There was another Visitation to go to this week. She wasn’t family, but a lady from church as was our family member last week. They say deaths come in threes so I’m counting. #circleoflife
3. My father in law was admitted this week to the same nursing home where my mother in law was admitted three weeks ago. Life is a little different than I remember with my grandparents. So now we will be adjusting schedules once again. Such is life!
4. I’m posting more pictures of some wildflowers that have bloomed in our yard. Looking at, smelling and taking pictures of flowers make me happy. I hope you enjoy the photos.
5. I haven’t had my hair cut for several weeks and it was getting a bit long – as in to the middle of my back. So I had my hairdresser cut it to just below my shoulders. It always feels so light after my trip to the hair salon. 🙂 Here are my Before and After shots.
On the Fitness/Nutrition Front
6. I hurt my back and have not been doing much exercising this past week besides stretching and walking. I ordered Chalene Johnson’s newest program called PiYo. I’m not a huge fan of Yoga, but I do like Pilates so we will have to see how this works out. It’s a low impact workout so that should be good while my back is not feeling 100%. It mentions a modifier so I will be following her/him for some of the moves I’m sure.
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