How has your week been? Thankful Thursday is here again and I have a few highlights to share. Nothing to write home about, but at least I’m not saying I don’t have any haha Now that would be sad!
1. My husband is still on seasonal layoff and still cooking dinners for us the days that I work. With the weather getting warmer (questionable!) he will soon be called back to work and I will have to adjust and get back into being organized about cooking dinner the majority of the time – especially on my working days. I will also miss him coming to see me at work on his way home from church or from running his errands, etc.
2. Got my tax appointment over with and prepared my ledger for this year’s data entry. The first quarter will be over soon and I’m on top of it 🙂
3. We had another birthday celebration this week – my father in law is now 81. The house was full of energy and activity. I believe there were at least 10 kids under the age of 10 there – all of them his great grandchildren – and that was only a tiny fraction of the kids. As always, there was SO much food!!
4. Speaking of food, I finally remembered to buy some alfalfa sprouts and a package of thin-sliced multi grain bread so I could make some healthy sandwiches. We will be having egg salad sandwiches for supper tomorrow nite (it’s Lent and meatless Fridays) but I wanted to eat some sprouts and avocado so I made this for lunch the other day. It was yummy!

Egg, avocado slices & alfalfa sprouts on multigrain bread.
5. Today I received confirmation of the bridesmaids dresses being shipped to me. All of us are very excited to get them. More info and pictures to follow when I get them in the mail…
Oh, by the way, I stopped doing the Happy Dance. It isn’t really warmer – not like it should be anyway 🙁
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