“Gramma, look at me!”  “Hey Gramma, let’s play Hide & Seek.”  “Can the cats come in the house, Gramma?”  These are just a few of the things I heard one weekend when two of my grandsons, aged 9 and 4 came to spend the nite.  We always have a good time…and they expect me to have as much energy as them and to play with them – constantly!  In fact, the older one had me post on this website where someone commented that she hoped my grandkids wouldn’t wear me out – “My gramma won’t get weared out cause she’s a really energetic person”.  How precious is that?  Yep, I like my gramma home workout as I call it.  I’m proud to have my grandkids think of me that way and to be a good example for them.  This is just one of the reasons I work out at home and eat healthy.  I want to be around for a long time for them.  And I’m not perfect – I do slip once in a while (I’m human!) – I eat processed food every once in a blue moon, and have a Chocolate Coke a couple times a year – but I can proudly say I eat clean about 95% of the time.  And note that when I slip, I don’t go ballistic and stuff myself with the ‘no so clean’ food/drink.  I believe if you deprive yourself, then that’s a green light to quit and fail.

my gramma home workoutI’ve been a Gramma for 17 years now and an empty nester for 1 year.  I’m sure our baby girl and our newest son-in-law will bless us with more grandchildren to fill our home with children noises.  I want to be as energetic for them as I have been for my other grandkids.  God willing, I will be working out till my dying day!

Oh, as for the weekend where this post started, I didn’t get weared out 😉





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