I hope that everyone had a very blessed Thankxgiving Day/weekend, filled with fun times visiting and interacting with your families and friends.  What did you do?  My husband’s family is HUGE (he has 8 siblings and all but one are grandparents so you can imagine our gatherings!) so we gathered for several hours at one of his sister’s for a potluck.  There is always so much food leftover and everyone usually says they hurt cos they ate too much then some of them fall asleep.  Well, I was pleasantly surprised not to hear that so much this year and except for a couple babies, I didn’t see anyone napping!  Whether it is the right way or not, I only ate one meal that day and later a snack. I did not overeat to the point of hurting, but I ate enough food to last me for the rest of the day/evening till I had a light snack.  lol

Saturday nite we went dancing at a local pub and met friends and some family.  One of our favorite bands was playing so that was a lot of fun.  Dancing is one of my favorite ways to burn calories.  The next day Sunday, we went to church where my in-laws received a special blessing as they celebrated 60 years of marriage last week.  We had another large family party that afternoon to celebrate the joyous occasion.  My father in law asked me to perform the hula for entertainment so I graciously did – this is one reason I keep up my workouts.  One of my sisters-in-law asked me later if I work out to keep my bikini wearing body so trim.  That just about made my day!  🙂


 This is just the beginning of the holiday season and I hope you have a plan how to not gain so when January comes around, you won’t have to be lamenting that you gained too much weight or that you can’t lose weight.  If you don’t have one, make one.  It’s THAT important!  If you need help or suggestions, let me know and I’ll be glad to help you out.


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