Thankful Thursday – February 23, 2017

Some of you may or may not have noticed my absence of Thankful Thursday posts for a few weeks.  I’ve been working on a business project that has taken up almost all of my spare time which means I have way less time for many other things (such as blogging).  I just wanted to touch […]

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Thankful Thursday – March 6, 2014

This will be a quickie Thankful Thursday post as I worked today at my part-time job for 8 hours and I’m a bit tired.  Usually I have NO PLANS on Thursdays so that I can focus on my Blog, etc.  But it’s the beginning of the month when I have to work the part-time job […]

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Thankful Thursday – February 13, 2013

This week hasn’t been too exciting or anything.  I did get better and went back to work, but it’s been pretty ho-hum.  I’m just waiting for the deep freeze to go away and for Spring to get here. So here are a few highlights for this week’s Thankful Thursday. 1.  I’m starting with the negative […]

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